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Our missionary Jenn Taylor is in Iquique, Chile telling people about Jesus and working with Florece - a prenatal and family counselling centre.

Here are some updates and prayer requests from Jenn:

  1. In Chile with all the unrest that has been happening, there has been a serious increase in crime here in the last few weeks. Sunday night one of our church ladies was held up at gun point, and the perpetrator stole her car, her purse and her cell phone, leaving her stranded on the side of the road with no way to contact anyone. Please pray for safety for all of us.
  2. In Chile, only medical professionals with specialized training can perform ultrasounds. We have an ultrasound machine sitting in Florece but can’t find a doctor who is willing to donate their time. Please pray for that. We want to be able to offer those services for free!
  3. A new client was scheduled to see me. J walked in to learn about Florece and what services we offer. She is newly arrived here from Venezuela. She and her partner have 2 older children and she is 3 months pregnant with their 3rd. They are overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork they need to do in order to receive refugee status and have no guarantees of medical insurance. She asked very specifically if we were a Christian ministry. She told me her cousin in the US is a Christian and sends her sermons and verses to listen to everyday, but that she doesn't have her own Bible nor has she ever attended church. This young woman's heart is wide-open to the gospel. I'll be doing a study with her entitled "Who is Jesus Christ?" and for 6 weeks we'll explore who Jesus is and why His life is so important. It was an honour to be able to pray for her and to present her with a hard copy of the Bible so she can read and learn from it at any point in the day. Please pray for J and for her family. Pray that they would feel loved and accepted here in Chile, be able to find stable, long-term housing and work, that they would receive residency and most importantly, pray that their hearts would find refuge and salvation through the saving work of Jesus.


You can stay up-to-date with Jenn's adventures by sending her a friend request on Facebook (Jenn Taylor) or following #jenninchile