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Dear Lambrick family,
We would like to take this opportunity to reflect with gratitude on Lambrick’s financial status as we come to the end of this calendar year. It was just over a year ago that I wrote a letter outlining concerns the Board had with how the growth in our attendance wasn’t matched with growth in giving revenue. We recall a few anxious board discussions about what we were observing and how best to plan in case things didn’t improve.
Just as it was important to communicate our concerns then, it’s important for you to hear the good news about Lambrick’s finances now. Did you know that Lambrick and Wiseways together closed our 2022-23 fiscal year in August with a small surplus (almost $4,000)? This includes $63,000 of “amortization", a conservative accounting practice that accounts for the depreciation of some of our assets. This will be great news to those accountants and finance-minded folks in our congregation. If you’re not one of these people, you can still celebrate a year in the black for Lambrick. And as we look at our financial trajectory in the first 3 months of our new fiscal year, it looks like we remain in good shape with our monthly revenue roughly matching our regular monthly expenses. Lambrick wouldn’t be able to do what it does without finances and many of you have responded to the call to include giving as an important part of your role in the church body. Thank you!
On a related note, if you’re reading this you will want to mark your calendars to attend our upcoming Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, January 16. This is a moment in the year when the whole church family (NOT just church members) can come together to reflect on what God has been doing and where he is leading us next. Yearly finances are an important part of this but we will also talk more about some of the projects that were mentioned at our Special General Meeting in June. We're excited to see what we can bring before God with faith that he will take what we bring and transform it into something that will advance his kingdom in Gordon Head, Victoria, and the world. 
May the Lord bless you and your families this Christmas season.
Curtis Harder (Chair) and Russ Jones (Treasurer)
On behalf of the LPC Board of Elders